TOP > News > Assoc. Prof. Marie Tabaru received the "2016 MEXT Young Scientists" Prize in the 2016 Commendation for Science and Technology by the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology(May 11, 2016)
Prize Winner | Assoc. Prof. Marie Tabaru(Applied Electronics Research Core) |
Conferrer | Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology |
Prize-winning Research | Non-invasive biological tissue firmness measurement utilizing elastic waves |
Prize | 2016 MEXT Young Scientists |
Date | May 11, 2016 |
We can estimate firmness by measuring the characteristics of vibrations applied to biological tissue from an external source. By applying this, I established a method of improving quantitativity in lesion diagnosis, ensured safety in applying the method, and developed basic miniaturization technology with applications to endoscopes.
It is difficult for me to describe what an honor it is to have my work recognized in this way. I feel that I share this prize with all the people who have provided me with guidance and support since I was a student. I am committed to continuing my work in this field to achieve better results as a means of contributing to society and improving lives.
Assoc. Prof. Marie Tabaru(Applied Electronics Research Core)